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Common mistakes to avoid while setting up a website

You're struck with a brilliant idea to venture into an online business, what's the first thing you do? If you answered anything but 'Block a domain', then, we may have a problem. A website, be it static or dynamic, a portfolio or an ecommerce, plays an integral role in establishing your brand identity, online and offline both. Your website is what can eventually make or break your business. Fret not, dear friend. Now that you've taken the leap, our team of experts at CreativeWebo are here to help you fly. We've compiled checklist of do’s and don'ts to follow to avoid common mistakes people make while setting up a website.

  1. Importance of a website: Do not think that you don't need a website! Bill Gates isn't wrong in saying, "If your business is not on the internet, you'll be driven out of business." And no, Facebook page doesn't count as a website. It may not be an ecommerce website but your business still needs to have an identity on the internet.
  2. (Do not) Do it yourself: Of all DIY kits, website development is not the one to experiment with. Do not develop a website on your own, unless you're a seasoned website coder or web ninja! Seriously, nothing turns customer away as a badly designed, unprofessional website. If you need more help, let the pros at CreativeWebo take over.
  3. Keep it simple! Your website should be comprehensive with clear, crisp and precise information your potential customer is looking for. Loud visual imagery and fancy fonts are not appealing, and rather than grabbing attention, it is more likely to turn your customer away. Your homepage or the landing page should be inviting, pleasant to peruse and have all necessary information a customer may want about your online business.
  4. Have a clear Call-to-Action on each webpage. Imagine you walk into a store, and you see no signboards which means you'll have to browse through each section before getting to what you want. Not only it, on your way back, you see directions to 5 different checkout counters. Confused, frustrated, you leave and decide to never come back. This is exactly what a poorly made website does. Have your contact forms and navigation cues simple and to the point. design-mistake
  5. Keep it up-to-date. Just like your hair and clothes, your website needs updating from time to time. The worst thing a customer can come across is the most recent blog entry to be the one from 2018. Trust us, you will be judged! Keep updating your website blogs and social media, even if not actively. website-content
  6. Make your website mobile friendly. Out of the zillion themes available on every content management system, the least you can do is to choose the one which is mobile friendly. More than 50% of online traffic is generated on mobiles and if your website is not mobile browser friendly, we feel for you. Take a look at some fabulous mobile friendly websites developed by us. responsive-websiteLet us know what you think.
  7. Last but not the least; do not compromise on the hosting provider and ecommerce platforms. Sure, we know it doesn't sound wise to pay when it can be done for free. Well, for starters, no one takes an online business seriously, who does not own the domain. Plus, these platforms are thoroughly tested and updated to ensure full-fledged functionality which is lost in the freebies.